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Kynder & Jentler Early Readers
  Make a Friend
  Book of Manners
  Start a Business
  A Trip to the Bank
  Brizzy Finds a Family

Aurora Pearl

Pictures by Wanda E. Jackson

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The Kynder & Jentler books help children learn to read. In addition, each book introduces a particular social value.

Make a Friend helps children learn the concept of empathy. It is a story about two children who help a turtle recover from a small mishap. In the process, the children and the turtle become friends.

Book of Manners helps children learn the concept of respect. It is a story about two children who go to the library to find a book about good manners. In it they learn about the importance of saying please and thank you and of using a handkerchief and sharing with others.

Start a Business helps children learn the concept of enterprise. It is a story about three children who start a business of weeding their neighbors' lawns and gardens. Along the way, they learn not to disturb the bugs and snakes that are nurturing the soil, showing empathy for other creatures.

A Trip to the Bank helps children learn the concept of thriftiness. It is a story about three children who have earned money from their business and who decide to protect their money by placing it in savings accounts at a bank. While at the bank, they learn that their money will continue to work for them by earning interest.

Brizzy Finds a Family helps children learn the concept of helping animals in a shelter. It is a story about three children who collect donations of toys and treats to bring to the animals. They want the animals to feel loved and cared for until they are adopted by families.

About the Author
Aurora Pearl is a nom de plume for M. E. Boyd, who writes children's books, music, and screenplays for the Kynder & Jentler Foundation, Inc. The purpose of the Kynder & Jentler Foundation is to provide a pathway to prosperity for all of America's children. Miss Pearl works with partner Jeffrey Cohen in getting the Kynder & Jentler program into pre-schools nationwide. Donations are greatly appreciated. Go to

Book details:
© 2022
978-1736777350 ‎ 
Paperback: 36 pages each
8.5 x 8.5 inches
Price: $9.95 each

Kynder & Jentler Early Readers

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